“A Reading is a process & You have a part to play.”
Once you’ve scheduled your Reading with Brough,
The steps to prepare for your session are simple & even fun!
- Sit down and write out a list of your main concerns & questions on paper. (This is where you think about whether your main questions are about Life Issues such as; Work, Love, Health Etc. or Are you Hoping to Connect with Someone who has died. )
- Leave your list of questions open on your night stand a few days to a week prior to your appointment. (If you have family that likes to snoop you can get creative with where you leave your list.)
- Make a plan to be somewhere Peaceful on the Date and Time of your Reading with Brough. Think about where you will be Free of distraction and have your questions with you. (Driving a car or sitting in a busy restaurant are not ideal. It would be best to be in a quiet room in your home or a quiet park or office space.)
“Spirit Connects directly with Brough during your Reading.”
Brough has to concentrate in order to connect with Spirit and give messages to you.
It is important that you do not tell him what your questions or concerns are. Just relax and let Brough guide the session. There will be time toward the end of the Reading when you can ask any questions that you want more insight into.
- “What’s the difference between a Life Reading & a Mediumship Reading?”
A Life Reading focuses primarily on You & your Life Lessons.
In a Life reading Brough does not connect to your deceased Loved Ones.
Rather, he receives Messages that focus more on area’s like your Career, Romance, Health, Your Personal History and even Future Possibilities and Predictions.
A Mediumship Reading is what happens when someone you have lost to Physical Death,
connects with Brough to use him as a Medium through which they give Messages to you.
Brough can receive details such as; How your loved one passed away. Their Relationship to You. Names & Personal Details such as Personality, Memories and the kind’s of things they have seen happen since they’ve died. Your Loved Ones in Spirit want to show you that life continues after death and that one day you will meet again… Mediumship Readings are extraordinarily healing if you are in grief.
- “How will Brough know which kind of Reading I want? & can I have a mix of both?”
You will not have to tell Brough which type of Reading you are hoping for.
Clients have often been astounded by how Brough addresses their main concerns with out any clues given. In fact, your concerns will likely come up to Brough in the order you wrote them! (this effect can be mesmerizing to a client who has properly prepared for their reading.)
Most clients who seek a Reading with Brough have come to him for one of two main reasons.
Either they have lost someone to death, or they’ve encountered personal struggles with some areas in their own personal life.
When you sit & write your main questions, be honest with yourself as to what your true concerns lately have been. You will find they predominantly focus on Life or Loved Ones in Spirit but rarely a mix of both.
- “Should I Record my Reading with Brough?”
If you have scheduled your Reading via Skype or Zoom then those programs have built in recording options. If your reading is taking place over the telephone you should prepare to either download a recording app or put Brough on Speaker Phone next to a recording device.
It is always a good idea to have a pad of paper handy to take some notes at the very least, but an audio recording is ideal.
When Brough begins seeing clients in person again he will take care of the audio recording but during the pandemic you must take care of your recording.
“Readings represent Hope & Clarity… I look forward to working with you.”- Brough.