Here are testimonials from some of Brough’s clients who are willing to share detailed accounts of their experience with you:
(Note: Some of them have included a photo and their professional website.)
~ Becca I had my first reading with Brough in 2009 and I was skeptical just as many people are about seeing psychic. Yet, it was more of the thrill and excitement of “tell me my future” like a fortune teller would. But with Brough it was different, he shed light on my current situation where I needed to change a certain aspect of my life. In his readings he will go through your past, present and future. His readings about your future may not make any sense but be sure to write down what he has and keep it! I’ve kept all my readings since the first and it’s pretty spectacular in what he sees for your future. I remember my third reading in 2011 where I almost called him demanding a refund a couple days after it since I felt he was so inaccurate. A year later I looked back at my notes and was in complete shock on how precise he was that year. Even though the message may not make sense to you now just keep the notes you made from his reading and look at them in a year or two. Brough’s wisdom and insights can help you tremendously. Just go in with an open mind and write the message down. As a yearly returning client, I highly recommend him whether it is in person or telephone reading. ~ Elynn – Compares an in-person reading with a telephone reading I have had the privilege of being read twice by Brough: first, in person; and second, over the phone. The similarity between a face-to-face reading and a phone reading is that the readings are personal to you, whether the reading is a message, channeling, or learning the answers to your specific questions from the Other Side. The purpose of your reading is to help you learn what you need in that specific moment in time, for you to be able to move forward in your life. The differences between a face-to-face reading and over-the-phone reading are the style of contact, and cost. With a phone reading there are no costs for gas or parking, you have the convenience of where you want to experience your reading due to cellphone access, or physical health access, and the efficiency of time not spent traveling to the reading. The quality of Brough’s readings is the same: insightful! A Reading in Person For me, I have previously experienced psychic readings, tarot cards, palm readings, and tea leaves. I have experienced ‘psychic’ moments in my life from visitation dreams, to astral travel, to seeing auras, and even to the most unlikely of coincidences. In April 2012, I emailed my request for a reading with Brough, and was read in person in September 2012 due to a cancellation. My reasons for wanting a reading with Brough are because of his reputation for being honest with his skill, his accuracy in presenting the information he is given by Spirit, and his integrity to use his skill for good. For me, I had reached a crossroad in my life, and needed the guidance of Spirit to confirm my intuition for the decisions I had made. It had been a long time since I had experienced a ‘sign’, or remembered a ‘visitation’ in a dream. Where did everybody go? Is Spirit angry with me? Disappointed in me? Why did Spirit make me feel so alone in my conflicts? I had prepared a list of 10 questions in advance that I wanted – needed – answers to. In my face-to-face reading with Brough, every question was addressed by Spirit without my telling Brough anything! Furthermore, Brough could not have known any of the information he expressed to me because I don’t exist on the Internet in any search engine or participate on social media! My reading began with Brough sitting across from me with his eyes closed. In fact, the entire reading happens with his eyes closed! I was so excited to finally have this reading that my own energy was vibrating so high that Brough said I was sparking! He then instructed me to practice deep breathing with him to allow me to focus my energy on Spirit. Brough told me that there were many Spirits coming through talking all at once, and then he stopped talking to me. I kept focusing my breathing and then in the quiet, Brough told me that they are deciding who needs to go first; they are getting organized to tell me a story. The following is a list of messages that Spirit told Brough: Spirit says the “J name” does not understand why things are the way they are and that I am going to need to explain it to him later on. A woman of the cloth, a Catholic nun, came forward to tell me “sorry”. She told Brough the circumstances of why and how my bio-mom was forced to give me up for adoption. Also, my bio-mom was a teacher, and that I come from a line of teachers. A Spirit with an “M” name – Mary. She tells me you were the emotional scapegoat. No, she is not angry. She is smiling and closing a door. I’m seeing a clover. It looks like a poppy like, “Where the Poppies Grow”. Possibly grandparents but more than that. They are smiling. You were carrying the emotional turmoil too long. You didn’t have a choice. I’m being shown a sister figure involved. She is like your mother: a sense of duplicity about the sister and the mother. They care about what people think. They are concerned with their reputation. Their values are the same – duplicity – which are not yours. Distance is needed between you and them because they do not like having a mirror held up to their actions, and that is what you did. Your nephew hasn’t been given the truth of what happened and doesn’t understand why you are not a part of the family. You can open the door again but open it slowly because nothing has changed and they will repeat their actions because they believe in what they do. This whole ordeal has been difficult for you because you sit in it but are not of it. You embody what you see. Whatever it is, you absorb it to try to understand and learn from it, but they do not. They emotionally sabotage you so that you are perceived “perfect”. They attack you because you want to do better, but you are the cause for them to see their flaws. Then, the messages changed from channeling to a reading: Brough describes the energy of each of my children; their relationship with me, and the relationship to their future endeavours. Brough describes my husband, and our lovely (“in the truest sense”) family life. So, how accurate or appropriate was this reading? Could I apply this information to, say, my cat?! Absolutely not because this is how the information relates to me: I do have a nephew with a “J” name who does not know why my family and I are estranged from my parents, his grandparents. My grandmother is “Mary”, and my grandfather was a cadet in WWII (the poppies). I became extremely close to them as a young adult. Our relationship was of unconditional love, whereas my relationship with my parents was conditional love. I was diligent in my pursuit to be the perfect daughter, to only see the good around me and to make my parents proud so they would keep me, love me. But, when my own children recognized their grandparents’ behaviour to be not of “good character”, I realized that I needed to set an example of courage and strength as their mom. So, I asked my parents to stop, but they took it as an insult and a judgment. I just didn’t believe that my parents would ever completely reject me and then abandon me because I was asking for a better relationship with them. My mother rallied support through intimidation from my brother and sister, and even family friends. She emotionally sabotaged me by returning all evidence of my existence in the family, even my adoption papers, in anonymous packages on my front porch with hate letters taped to my front door over the past 7 years. I couldn’t make this toxic relationship better, so I had to “close the door”. Consequently, I needed to know that I hadn’t disappointed my grandparents; that I made the right decisions. The nun was exciting to me because I am adopted and I wanted to know why I was placed in this family, and what was I supposed to learn from them. I know my birth name and it is a traditional Catholic name even though I was not raised Catholic. Furthermore, after raising my family, I received my B.Ed. degree and I have become a high school teacher, just like my birth mom! A Reading by Phone The reading by phone was in March 2014. It was convenient to pay through online banking, and for time well spent. For me, the purpose of this reading was like a spiritual check-up. Brough explained that the messages in a reading are for things that are changing, and if there are no messages, it means that things are staying consistent. This reading was about my life’s journey, a road map to my life’s plan. I received information about:the future endeavors of my family members that I am closely connected to; about my relationship with my husband; and about my chosen career. I did ask Brough about certain people who had recently passed. He told me that “Anne” comes around my family, especially my husband (they were good friends), and likes to move coins, dimes in particular (I have found dimes in various family shared rooms). Also, I asked about numbers, the times on a clock. Brough told me that my grandfather and “Archie” like to show me double digit times on a clock like “11:11” (Archie was a good friend of my husband’s who fought in WWII); it is done just to catch my attention to tell me that I’m on the right path.Again, my experience was fun, entertaining, personable, and thought provoking! If you are wondering why, what, or how things are about your life, Brough has the ability to shine light on these personal mysteries.~ Arva – A telephone reading Dear Brough: Just a short note to thank you for your reading and great conversation yesterday. You were able to connect with Spirit that meant so much to me and gave me more insight to our future as well as the past. The over the phone reading allowed me to remain at home comfortably and more open to information being passed through you to me. Driving to and from any city for a face to face reading creates anxiety and sometimes frustration having to deal with traffic, parking and other things unpleasant that some cities offer. After our reading I felt warmth surrounding me and a complete sense of calm, after other readings I’ve left the psychic feeling questionable, but not after your reading. Your very calm and laid-back way of presenting Spirit and predictions is quite amazing. You gave me a great deal to think about and because of information passed forward, I will continue on the same path until my task that i have to accomplish is done. Looking forward to another reading in the very near future. Many thanks Arva … ~ Jane Dear Brough, Thank you so much for both your support and for your kind words. I think that the concept of telephone readings is brilliant. Your mediumship is accessible to people in outlying areas. It saves on added travel costs and fossil fuels. The focus switches from a physical one on one to a sense of entering into an awareness of non local consciousness. The recording itself, has such clarity. It is a win, win, win. You have that ability to not only work with spirit but to articulate how spirit works. Your use of metaphor and analogy truly eases the brain into grasping a paradigm that challenges the most fixed neural pathways. Loss and grief are such a terrible beauty. That deconstruction of life as we knew it can give way to such expansion and creation. I extend my support to you and to your work. Regards, Jane ~ Heather I came across Brough when I felt my love life was not going well at all. Although it may seem like a trivial matter to an outsider, it almost tore my life apart. He cheered me up, telling me all the positive things in my life. He reminded me that I had respect from a lot of people around me. He knew I achieved my prestigious position by working from the bottom up with no free ride. He told me everything I have in my life, I worked for, and nothing got handed to me. Not only was it true, it felt so good that someone acknowledged my hard work and my accomplishments. It is as if he knew what I needed and provided it for me. There was such an intense feeling when he described in detail how a ‘higher power’ is proud of my accomplishments. It was as if Brough managed to scratch that itch that I could not reach. It just hit home! It was really comforting! I can’t believe how someone I have never met could satisfy my needs in such a manner. Without telling him what my problems were, he knew that the issues in my life were in the romance department. Brough knew that I had 2 significant relationships and my first relationship ended because my boyfriend went another way. That was true, my first boyfriend could not be faithful to me and I ended up having to leave him. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do because he was my first love. Brough’s knowledge of my feelings in my relationship was as if my heart had a window that he was looking inside. He knew how I felt and how hard it was for me. In my second significant relationship he pinpointed the issue that I struggled with. He did not tell me what I wanted to hear. I wanted this relationship to somehow turn around. Brough told me it was not going to turn around and told me why it was not going to work. Even though, it was not what I wanted to hear, it helped me get a bit of closure. He knew specific details on how I was feeling during the relationship that only I would know. It was as if he was in my heart and in my mind. He was not only accurate about my issues; he told me how to let go. He referred me to a song that described how I felt perfectly. When I listened to it, I was in tears! It was so touching. It described my situation perfectly. He did give me hope that my love life is turning around and I will meet my knight in shining armour. My reading was only 2 days, so unfortunately, I have no update on this prediction. I hope he is as accurate on this as he has been about my past. Brough proved that he is really gifted when I asked him how my cousin Ben was doing. I did not tell him he had passed away 3 years ago. Brough asked me if Ben was alive because he could not see him on earth. That was so amazing it floored me! Brough could only see this if he truly has a gift! He also knew the circumstances under which my cousin passed away. I never got closure when he passed because his death was sudden and unexpected. After talking to Brough, I got much needed closure on this topic. Brough has a very soothing voice. Even though I was not physically there, I could feel his compassion for me though the phone. Everything he said was true and accurate. The reading was so touching, I cried many times. Even though the situation in my life does not change, Brough gave me some tools on how to deal with my issues. Immediately after the reading, I felt this amazing peace in my heart and in my mind. The few weeks and months before getting the reading from Brough, I was in a lot of turmoil. I could not sleep and I could not eat. The night after talking to Brough, I slept like a baby! It was as if Brough was an angel that was sent to me from heaven to help me deal with the difficulties in my life. I look forward to my next reading with him. He does not charge enough for his services! He is truly amazing I have been to a few psychics before and he is by far the best! ~ Stephanie E. “Hey Everyone!My first reading with Brough was a wonderful experience, not just because of the accuracy in his reading, but he also relayed his message in a peaceful and comforting way, which was a temperament lacking in other psychics I’ve met. I recently encouraged my mother to visit Brough; I felt he could give her some clarity since she has being going through a very tough time. As I sat taking notes for my mother during her reading, my mother’s father came through with a message for me. Brough relayed this message, saying that my grandfather was tapping his foot and sending music my way, and telling us that I got my talents/love of music from him. (This has always been a joke in my family since me and my grandfather, whom I never met in life, both share a similar appreciation for music). This made me and my mother burst into laughter.Brough then continued relaying the message, letting me know all the wonderful things that my grandfather wished for me; he wanted me to have love and promised to send me rainbows. It was such a beautiful message that really made me smile. It was only made more uplifting when my mother and I left Brough’s office, and as soon as we drove the car out from the parking, we looked up and there was a huge rainbow hovering over us! (Picture below) I’m pretty sure it was there for me, but I’m happy to share it with all of you.” ~ Mary-K Bolton, Ontario “Let me begin by saying I am a very practical minded person. So the whole concept of psychics and readings is out of my comfort level. But I decided for my fortieth birthday that I would go to a psychic. I chose Brough after reading an article on him by a skeptical journalist in our small town local paper. The journalist could not debunk him so based on that, I booked the appointment. The day of the reading my husband decided to drive me just in case things proved tricky and my safety was being compromised. I was incredibly nervous and apprehensive. When Brough opened the door to his apartment I knew intuitively that he was no scam artist. We sat down and Brough poured himself a big glass of what I think was carrot juice. He began the reading by laying out what I think were Tarot cards on the table. (He said that cards have nothing to do with the reading but that they are beautiful symbols that help him think of God before the session.) Brough seemed to structure the reading by covering the various categories that people are most interested in. Career, love life, family/relationships, money etc. This in hindsight is a good organized way of doing things. In my particular case I wasn’t really interested in predictions but seeking some more spiritual answers. He told me about my life theme of family and how that flavors everything I am connected to. That’s not to say he didn’t give me a few predictions but it wasn’t the focus of my reading. He may not tell you what you want to hear but I think he tells you what you need to hear. If you can take notes or tape record what he says you will find that later as you review your reading so much more information comes to the surface. There is a lot of information in a reading and it can be overwhelming. It’s best to review the information after a few days when new insights may appear. The truth is a reading is a tool to help you steer back on the path of your soul’s purpose. That was the interesting thing about my reading. It dug deeper than answering questions about whether or not I would sell my house, or is my daughter going to be a doctor. Those are surface level issues. Brough’s reading for me was about cutting through the layers of this life to its core essence and his insights were very helpful. One thing I would suggest is to save your questions for the end. Brough will give you a few minutes to ask him your questions but if you start asking too many questions during the reading you will tamper with the flow. At one point during the reading I thought I needed to help Brough out. He asked me if I had a miscarriage. Taken aback I said no. He kept saying I see three turning into two. I see two that is one. So I said “Well I have three children but was only pregnant twice. Two of those children are twins. “So Brough kind of got mad (as mad as a sweet gentle man like Brough can get) and he told me not to say anything he would have figured it out eventually. And that’s the thing. He doesn’t want any help because he wants it to be as genuine an experience as he can make it.www.JeremyHernandez.com | ~ Elsie from Ontario Hi Brough, You may remember me. I’m the oriental girl who had a reading with you September 22 in the evening. Anyways, you are amazing. I was concerned about work and finding a new job. You told me not to quit. Then you told me about the number 4 but you didn’t know the significance. Well, I’ve had two job interviews. One at an address of 401. Then at another company that has been in business for a quarter of a century, the address number is 474, the telephone number began with 454 and today I accepted the employment offer–December 14. Thank you for the amazing reading. It gave me hope to perservere. I’ll see you again in the new year. ~ Susan Dear Brough, I have had a few readings from other psychics, and you not only put me at ease but you were so honest when we first sat to do the reading that you felt you weren’t able to accurately connect with me. I was surprised that you offered to refund my reading or reschedule, which is not something I’ve observed other psychics do. I chose to reschedule and I’m so glad I did! The second time we spoke you brought up many specifics about my family and my concerns which lead to some pointed messages that helped allay my fears & worry. I hope you post this on your website, because I want people to know that you are genuine. The fact that you do this because you feel it is a calling to help others and not a business for profit gain, but as a tool to help others is so rare and wonderful!!! Your reading has helped me to be more optimistic about my future! Thank you so much…and I look forward to another reading! Sincerely, Susan Brough would like to also add: Susan is absolutely correct. I do not consider the readings that I give each day to be a business. My practice is nothing less than a vocation, in that the spirit chose me, not the other way around. That is why if I do not feel I am performing the task, I offer a refund with a promise to try again at a later date. This is how I have operated for the last decade. ~ Janice, Quebec Hi Brough, I had to write and thank you for giving me a reading yesterday. I had been to see psychics, palmists, clairvoyants, and astrologers in the past and none of them even came close to the accuracy that you displayed without me saying anything. Yes, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last year, July 7, 2010, on my birthday and 2 days after my second chemo session, my mom passed away suddenly. I could not attend the funeral as I was too ill to travel. Ovarian cancer is a very deadly cancer as it is usually found too late. Not only did you see my illness, surgery, recovery, but you also saw my upcoming appointment in August and everything you told me calmed my inner being. How could you know these events and times without ever meeting me? Your insight into minute personal details of my relationship with my mom was very comforting. I wanted to let you know that my phone rang at 1:07 a.m. this morning and when I answered it, no one was there, but there was music playing on the line. You are truly gifted and I am blessed to have found you on the internet. Before I spoke with you my hope of ever being happy again was at an all time low. Now I am confident that there are better days ahead. I thank God that you found your gift and are able to help those in need such as myself. I would like to stay in touch with you and I am going to try to send some friends to you for a reading. I only recommend those that are excellent at what they do and you are that person. ~ K Cetnarski. Schomberg, Ontario “In August of 2006, I met with Brough Perkins whom I had never met before. I had no experience with mediums or psychics before and had no idea what to expect. I was skeptical but knew instinctively that I needed to see him. Upon entering our meeting room, it was clear this was to be the experience of a lifetime: Immediately, the room was crowded with loved ones that passed- the presence in the room even startled Brough. Brough not only knew who they were, he revealed their names and their thoughts. He even knew my brother (who passed in 2004) was thankful to be buried in a Toronto Maple Leaf Jersey rather than a suit.Brough knew things no one knew. In a short 90 minutes, my life changed. Brough taught me how to accept the presence of passed loved ones. He knew them as I knew them that day- Brough was clearly no fake. There was no chance Brough could have known things he disclosed to me that day. For example, he explained a dream to me in detail which had never been spoken of before. Brough knew intimate details of my previous miscarriages and told me reasons why they occurred. Brough made a prediction of the return of a family member whom had been missing–which he did about 8 months after the reading–I never offered any information, nor did I ask about him, Brough simply knew. Brough’s words were spoken in truth with love and respect of my loved ones who passed. Brough gave me confidence and peace along with assurance and an understanding of the afterlife. He assured me what I heard, felt, and saw in my dreams was not my imagination. The experience of the one reading I had with Brough changed my life- I am no longer a skeptic and no longer feel like I must be crazy. I am now able to welcome the spirits of loved ones passed with warmth and affection. I would highly recommend anyone searching for the truth to visit Brough and see how he can help you through a dark time. I am thankful for the complete truth Brough brought to my life and will always be affected by our one visit. I have referred others to Brough who claim the same thoughts and feelings. I know one day, I will revisit Brough & will be welcomed once again by my loved ones in spirit.” ~ Peter I. “Just like many people around me, I sometimes lose my cool head and stable footing in life. It is during those “forks in the road” that I feel so lost, and I am most unsure about myself and my future. It is a never-ending puzzle that numerous pieces appear to be out of place or out of sight. But Brough brings something new into that puzzle of life. All you need to do is relax, and he will answer the questions in your heart (even the ones you didn’t know you had yet.) You may doubt his answers about your past and future like I did at first, but in weeks to come after your first meeting with him you will see the truth of it, so long as you care enough to take good notes and to analyze your reading afterwards. I host a spiritual show on the radio and Brough was our guest for one episode. Without any promotion, we received 30+ callers in two hours (the most we’ve ever had in one show). His sincere attitude toward his craft in life engendered a trust that I had not expected to find meeting a “so called psychic.” Inspired by the effect this man had on me, I booked myself a date for a reading and, among the many things that he saw for me he mentioned that an opportunity from my radio station would come up soon. At first I did not really pay special attention to that specific prediction as there was a lot of information to absorb while he spoke to me. The next day, my station asked me to host a show on my own, something that matched completely with Brough’s prediction the night prior. I definitely had that “wow” factor after that! You can choose not to believe a single word he says at first. But please, take your time and put the effort in to truly understand how his words are trying to encourage you, to inject that positivity into you, and to provide you with that confidence to rely on yourself against life’s every day struggles. It is clear that Brough cares and I believe that’s the most important thing, the fact that he’s an awesome psychic only makes the package golden!” ~ Michelle “I met Brough in 2005 for the first time. It was a gift for my 40th birthday from a friend. At the time, I didn’t think too much about it – I did not have expectations of any sort and to be honest, I may have thought it was going to be a little general at best. Brough proceeded to talk about my mom coming through who had passed away in 1999 – described her ailment, where it was precisely and that she and my dad were together which was unusual he said. Now there is no way one could prove this to be true so here is something that can be verified. He said I would have a 3rd daughter and that he saw two 2s. He admitted that he did not quite know how to interpret the strange vision about double digits but that’s what he saw. My 3rd daughter was born on the 22nd day of March the following year. (I was not pregnant at the time of the reading.) There have been many of my friends including my husband that have had readings with Brough since my first encounter. All of whom having had things happen that he said was going to after their readings. I do not doubt what he says to me and he always delivers the messages with gentleness. It has helped me to have confirmation that my Mom still exists even though I can no longer see her in the flesh.” ~ Jer “Firstly, I would like to thank Brough Perkins for giving me the clarity, direction and inspiration that I’ve spent years trying to look for! Not only was he a hundred percent accurate on detail, events, places and people, it was like he was there with me every step of the way. He knew personal private past family history, my deepest fears and wishes, goals and aspirations. Explained why certain relationships of mine seemed to work or not work and where and whom to properly focus my energy towards. Brough as well examined my insecurities and helped me be able to finally “learn to let go” and move on with spiritual growth. Sometimes we try and run away from the truth, at one point in our session I caught myself trying to hold back my tears. Our session for me was definitely eye opening and has helped me re-evaluate my surroundings and relationships in a new positive way. By the end of our session, Brough answered everything I wrote down and wanted to ask. Although, there might of been a couple of questions written down that weren’t answered but at that point after letting him see the bigger picture, it seemed like the unanswered questions felt really trivial to even bother with. Feels like the weight of the world has been lifted off these shoulders. No words can describe my utmost gratitude towards the time I’ve got to spend with Brough. I look forward to my next session.Thank you,Namaste,”www.JeremyHernandez.com ~ Irene “Brough, You have impressed me so many times with such insight into my life… past, present and future. You brought me to tears when you blew me a kiss and said “your dad said to give this to you”! It was the last thing he did before he died, was blow me a kiss as I was leaving him, he died several hours later. You also told me things about my current situation that was bang on. You knew there was conflict in my life but couldn’t lie and tell me what I wanted to hear, instead, you were truthful and said, “I can’t tell you what you want to hear… you’re not going to leave him”. Turns out my husband’s bizarre behavior, although horrible, were due to neurological damage and yes, I’m still taking care of him. You also told me about my future that I can’t wait to unfold. My beautiful grandchildren and the fun I’ll have spoiling each and every one of them! Meeting a companion and telling me it’s not who I suspected from the past. Each time I visit with you, I come away with a sense of security, knowing that life is unfolding as it should. It is a great source of comfort. I recently brought my daughter-in-law to meet with you who was totally blown away with your accuracy about health issues that she hadn’t disclosed to anyone. Many family secrets that were suspected were brought to light and confirmed. Mostly she was grateful for acknowledgement of her strong relationship and especially happy to hear about the future of her daughter and her unborn children. Brough, you are truly gifted and we are blessed that you care enough to share your life with us.Thank you.”In summary I am pretty tight with my money and if I thought it was worth the cash then you can feel confident it will be for you too.” ~ Brian, Toronto Over the past couple years I have been wanting to connect with Brough and have a life reading with him. I have heard him speak in various venues and truly believed that he had a gift. A friend of mine had been to see him a few times and Broughgave her insight and helped in her healing process in many aspects of her life. The time came in my life where I had entered a transitional period and felt insecure about the journey that I was on and I needed some confirmation that I was on the right track. Several days after I emailed Brough and made the request he called me and we had scheduled a reading. The day of the reading came and I could barely wait. He gave me simple instructions of only validating his various affirmations with a simple “yes” or “no” response. Within the first 15 minutes of the reading Brough had picked up on my Father who had passed and had even narrowed it down to the month of his death. My father was a stubborn man, quiet but controlling. We had a strained relationship for the ’first’ 21 years of my life but managed to work through that in the 22 years that followed. The reading continued on for about 30 minutes aboutmy Father as Brough interpreted the early years of my life with my Father. As I confirmed all these characteristics my phone began to make a funny sound and it was as if Brough’s voice had sped up in fast forward. This lasted several seconds and then we were disconnected. Brough tried to call back a couple of times but each time the call would fail and become disconnected. The following day I received an email from Brough saying that my Father was not happy with the interpretation of the reading, as it was based on the first 21 years of my life and didn’t represent the truest definition of our relationship that we built in the following 22 years. My Father came through in his strongest form by interruptingthe reading and creating a high frequency that effected the phone. Brough and Iwere cut off and even though Brough tried calling back, my Blackberry kept going dead. My attempts to call Brough back failed and we gave up. Typical of my Father, as he hated any form of cell phone. Brough called me at work the next day and we arranged to finish the reading thatafternoon from a landline to avoid any interference. He was able to give me names of relatives that have passed that were with my Father; my father’s best-man, my grandfather and my Father’s ‘biological Father’ were some of the names that came from the reading. Information about loved ones that no one else knew but my family, as well the exact date of my niece’s passing, whom I was very close to. With these facts came affirmations from loved ones that had passed and their messages of happiness and peace. As we moved on to ‘love’, we talked about the relationships that I have had in my life with partners. We talked about their personalities and the common denominators that they all had and how the breakdown in all the relationships related to the same problem. I began to see the trend in these relationships and how they related to my relationship with my Father. It all began to make sense. As Brough explained how this dysfunctional relationship with my Father carried over into my personal relationships I saw things more clearly. My Father had come through to break the cycle that I had been in. From there we talked about my current journey (career and future) it was all accurate and very motivating in a way that gave me confirmation that the road I was on was the right one. It’s comforting to know when you feel that you are on the right path. At the end of the session I gave Brough a couple of names. As he explained to me, in great accuracy, the significance of these names and the situations surroundingthem, this allowed me to understand how to best deal with them. I am incredibly grateful for this reading. There is no doubt in my mind that this is truly a gift. Brough’s compassion and personal aura are very accommodating and his soul seems to extend beyond his years in age. It’s was an extraordinary experience and I believe it happened when it was supposed to. Thanks Brough, you have truly made a positive impact in my life and allowed me to see things with great clarity and for that, I am truly thankful. |
